Community Information

Schoodic Peninsula’s Community Information

Gouldsboro Police: Day Phone (207) 963-5589,
Night Phone (207) 667-8866

Winter Harbor Police: (207) 963-2235

Hancock County Sheriff’s Department: (207) 667-7575
Park Service Ranger: 963-7717


Eleanor Widener Dixon Memorial Clinic: West Gouldsboro 963-4066

Poison Control: 1-800-442-6305


Peninsula School: 963-2003

Mountain View (Sullivan): 422-3200


Schoodic Institute207-288-1310

Schoodic Arts for All Festival 207-963-2569

Gouldsboro Community Building: 207-963-7582

Harbor Masters

Gouldsboro: Dana Rice

Winter Harbor: Fred Backman

Sullivan: Helen Gordon

Sorrento: Dwight Freeman

Town Offices

Franklin: 207-565-3663

Gouldsboro: 207-963-5589

Sorrento: 207-422-6889

Sullivan: 207-422-6282

Winter Harbor: 207-963-2235


Winter Harbor District Wastewater: 207-963-5579

Water District: 207-963-7703

Gouldsboro Associations

Gouldsboro Historical Society:
1st Monday @ 7:30 PM

Halcyon Temple #56 Pythian Sisters:
1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 7:30 PM

Schoodic Lodge #129, Knights of Pythias:
Thursdays @ 7:30 PM

The Seacoast Senior Citizens:
April–December on 2nd Friday at Noon

Winter Harbor Associations

Acadian Community Women’s Club: 2nd Thursday @ 7:30 PM

A.F. & A.M. Winter Harbor Lodge #192: 1st Wednesday @ 7:30 PM

Schoodic Peninsula Chamber of Commerce: 2nd Tuesday @ 6:30 PM

Winter Harbor Historical Society: Saturdays 1–4 PM July & August

Sorrento Associations

Sea Breeze Garden Club: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12:30 PM, Community Center

Sullivan Associations

Frenchman’s Bay Art Gallery: Wednesday–Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM, May–September, Sullivan Town Office

Sullivan-Sorrento Historical Society: 3rd Wednesday of the Month, May–October

Franklin Associations

Franklin Garden Club:
1st Thursday of the Month, 1 PM

Franklin Historical Society:
1st Wednesday of the Month, May–October

Franklin Veteran Club, Inc.:
1st Thursday of the Month, 7 PM

Franklin Women’s Club:
1st Monday of the Month, 1 PM

Schoodic Grange #420:
1st & 3rd Mondays of the month

Local Churches

Lighthouse Assembly of God:
So. Gouldsboro 10:45 AM & 6 PM – Pastor Bernard Arseneau

Birch Harbor Baptist Church: Birch Harbor 11 AM

Corea Baptist Church: Corea 9:30 AM

First Baptist Church of Winter Harbor: Winter Harbor 11 AM

St. Margaret’s Catholic Church:
July–August, Grindstone Ave., Winter Harbor 11 AM
United Methodist Church: Prospect Harbor 9:30 AM

St. Christopher’s By the Sea:
July–August, Grindstone Ave., Winter Harbor, 8 AM and 10 AM


Franklin Public Library: Summer months – Wednesday 1–4 PM, 6–7:30 PM, Saturday 10 AM–2 PM

Dorcas  Library  (located in Prospect Harbor) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1–7 PM Saturday 10–4 PM

Sullivan Frenchman’s Bay Library: Tuesday & Thursday, 1–5 PM, Saturday 10 AM–2 PM

Winter Harbor Public Library: Wednesday & Saturday 12:00 PM–4 PM, Friday 10–4 PM